If the game feels difficult but you would like to explore further, we have enabled a feature for you to skip to another level.

- Using F1 will take you to the Level 1.

- Using F2 will take you to the Level 2.

- Using F3 will take you to the Level 3.

Will you be the first to beat our game?

WASD: Movement

Space: Jump

Esc: Pause

The camera changes at certain points (it does not follow the player like in traditional platformers). The difficulty resides in moving when the camera goes in the opposite direction!. This is due to the movement not being related to the camera but to world coordinates.

You need to get as many followers as possible and get to the portal before Serenia gets destroyed because of your actions.

In Serenia, all beings are part of a unified whole, a collective intelligence. Harmony and balance reign. The Serenians live in peace, connected by a common energy that allows them to think and act as one.

But all of this is about to change...

A universe wanderer has been traveling through different worlds in total solitude, always in search of companionship and a place to belong. Fascinated by the beauty and energy of Serenia's inhabitants, he only wants to make friends and share his stories with others.

What he doesn't know is that his presence, different from the energy of the other beings and vibrating differently, disrupts the balance of this unity. With each friend he makes, he causes a disturbance in the collective intelligence, unleashing chaos that threatens to turn into collective madness.

How many friends can he make before everything spirals out of control?

The collective intelligence of Serenia has never known an energy like that of the wanderer. Make as many connections as possible without destroying the peace of the world and unleashing collective madness. As you progress, the world of Serenia loses its beauty...

Game development, programming, game design, UX & art:

Abigail Ojeda Alonso

Kilian Sosa Guillén

Music & SFX from Pixabay


sereniaWindows.zip 48 MB

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